Me, in a nutshell?

Hi, I’m Laura. I’m a stay-at-home mom to two boys – a teen-ager and a toddler.  I’ve been unschooling the oldest since always, and the youngest will be also. We’re an attachment-parenting, natural-family living, intactivist, lactivist family. We’re also a green family, though not as green as some. We seriously watch what’s in our food… especially the stuff that shouldn’t be there. We live in a rental house, on my husband’s $30k a year income, which means some serious budgeting so that we don’t have to worry about monetary issues, and I can still stay home with the two boys.

I’m also seriously a SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive for any who might not know). We currently live in Colorado, but because of an incurable disease my dad has, we’re moving back to California early in 2011 to help my parents… hence the name of this blog. One of my goals during the next six months is to get things so settled that when we get to the new place, this will be the first move-in that goes smoothly. I’ve done a lot of moving – both as a Navy brat and as a former Navy wife, and then moving a few times in Colorado with my second husband. Some of the moves have been easy, but none have been smooth. There’s always been packing or cleaning or both until the wee hours of the morning the day of the move… leaving me completely exhausted by the time all is said and done. This time, with four of us, and two households that never really got consolidated, I’m changing plans. Decluttering before the move (imagine!), and getting rid of things we don’t absolutely love or need. This way, in California, I can be in control at my home and be able to help out my parents with whatever they need, and still have energy left to visit with the rest of our family and friends; and maybe even have them over – Gasp! – without having to get the house presentable before hand.

I’m also working on reducing body clutter, which has crept on as resolutely as the house clutter did. I’ve done it before, successfully, but just like with my house – I let it go, and didn’t make sure I was keeping the clutter away. Time to fix that – energy to keep up with my kids is a must! I don’t want my youngest to look back and think that it might have been nice if Mom hadn’t been so tired all the time. No more body clutter for me, no more clutter for my house… all done in baby steps and with the help of my trusty control journal and the FlyLady!

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